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    Patient Portal

    Transition to athenahealth

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    Updated June 11, 2024

    Springfield Clinic changed to a new electronic health record (EHR), athenahealth, during a phased rollout in 2024. The upgrade to athenahealth allows for a modern and secure experience for both our patients and our care teams. This includes the introduction of a new portal through athenahealth.

    With the athenahealth patient portal, you can:

    • Access your personal health information

    • Securely message your care team

    • View upcoming appointments

    • Request medication refills

    • Pay your bills online

    We do not recommend downloading the mobile app for accessing the portal. It has limited functionality compared to the desktop or browser-based experience.

    Check out our new resource page with portal how-to guides and FAQs

    We've compiled a resource page with a number of how-to guides and frequently asked questions related to setting up, accessing and key functionalities of your athenahealth portal account. Please refer to this page for guided tutorials or contact our portal support team if you need additional assistance.

    Check out our resource for pre-registration

    We've put together a guide on how to complete your registration ahead of your appointment using a secure link. Refer to this page for screenshots and a how to.

    Accessing FollowMyHealth vs. athenahealth Portal

    Previous portal: Historical visits and medical records will remain in your FollowMyHealth account and you will be able to continue accessing this historical information in this portal.

    New portal: All future patient visits and test results will appear in your new athenahealth patient portal.

    Sample myhealthatsc follow my health patient portal homepage on desktop
    Sample athenahealth patient portal homepage on desktop

    FAQs About the EHR Transition

    Looking for FAQs specific to your athenahealth patient portal? Visit our athenahealth portal help page!

    Springfield Clinic changed to a new electronic health record, athenahealth, during a phased rollout in 2024. The upgrade to athenahealth allows for a modern and secure experience for both our patients and our care teams. This includes the introduction of a new portal through athenahealth.

    You can create a new portal account at your next visit to your provider’s office. You can set up your account ahead of time, but please ensure that the email address you use for your athenahealth patient portal is the SAME email that we have listed in our system. If the two email addresses do not match, you will not be able to create an account.

    No, your account will not automatically transfer. Patients will need to re-enroll in the athenahealth patient portal and can do so at or after your first appointment with a provider/location that has transitioned to the new system. Please note that with this change, your historical medical records will remain in your FollowMyHealth account (and will continue to be accessible), but the patient portal will be discontinued for all new visits once your provider has transitioned to athenahealth.

    FollowMyHealth and athenahealth are two different software platforms. FollowMyHealth data does NOT transfer to the new athenahealth portal. You will retain access to your current medical records and historical data in FollowMyHealth for all visits prior to when your provider transitioned to athenahealth.

    Springfield Clinic has fully transitioned to athenahealth. All new medical history will be entered into athenahealth.

    Patients looking to access medical records for any visit can request them online or by calling our Health Information Management team at 217.280.9804.

    1. Go to the FollowMyHealth patient portal login page.

    1. Under Sign In, click Forgot your password? or Forgot your username? and follow the prompts to reset.  

    1. If you cannot remember the username or email address associated with your account, please contact our portal support team for assistance.  

    Need Additional Help? Contact Portal Support!

    Portal support is available for additional assistance Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    Phone: 217.572.1731

    Email: [email protected]