Our specialists evaluate and treat patients of all ages with conditions related to asthma, allergy and immunology. Common symptoms of allergies and asthma can include itchy and watery eyes, nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing and/or wheezing.

Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
About Us
Our Services
We are dedicated to making our services convenient and accessible for you and focusing on your positive health outcomes. After meeting with you and performing a history and physical examination, our providers will discuss any additional necessary diagnostic and laboratory procedures in detail. Please feel free to ask questions about any tests, procedures, diagnoses or medications ordered.
Some of the convenient and accessible procedures we perform include, but are not limited to:
Allergy injections/vaccinations to decrease sensitivity to allergens
Clinical research trials involving conditions, such as allergies, asthma and hives
Exercise challenge to evaluate exercise-related asthma
Nasal smears to determine the presence of allergic or infectious cells
Oral challenges, to determine food or medication allergy
Patch testing to agents causing a poison ivy-type rash, including hundreds of chemicals encountered in work and daily life
Patient education to explain environmental control measures, medications, nature of disease triggers and use of inhalers
Pulmonary (lung) function studies to determine the efficiency of air flow in the lungs
Rhinoscopy to visualize the upper airway breathing passages by placing a fiberoptic scope into the nasal/sinus passages
Skin tests to determine allergies to inhalants, foods, certain antibiotics, local anesthetics and insect venoms
What we treat
Testing, evaluation, treatment and diagnosis are available for:
Allergic asthma and emphysema
Allergic eye disease
Allergic rhinitis/hay fever
Allergic skin conditions
Chronic cough
Contact dermatitis
Drug allergy
Drug desensitization
Eczema/atopic dermatitis
Food allergy
Immune deficiency
Insect allergy
Latex allergy
Non-allergic rhinitis
Recurrent infections
Shortness of breath
Sinusitis/sinus trouble
Vaccine allergy
Vocal cord dysfunction